Reconstruction with the Beautiful Gospel

Reconstruction with the Beautiful Gospel

Conversation with authors Brad Jersak and Brian Zahnd

Fri May 24th (7pm) - Sat May 25th (8am-Noon)

Amazing Grace Church in Englewood is hosting a two-day event for those who have and/or are currently wrestling with God (or what we think God is like). Old answers don't seem quite right and new answers don't seem to be addressing the real issue(s), while other answers plant new seeds of doubt.

Amazing Grace Church
3325 S Federal Blvd
Englewood, CO 80110

Brad Jersak (author of Out of the Embers and friend of The Sanctuary) and Brian Zahnd (author of When Everything's on Fire) have been there and walked faithfully with Jesus through seasons of 'deconstruction' and come out the other side with a deeper love for God and others. Doubts don't have to lead to a dead end, rather they can open new paths that lead to Divine Beauty. In our time together, they will guide us back to Jesus so that together we can do the delicate work of reconstruction... for that is the Beautiful Gospel.


The Gift of Being Yourself 6-Week Spiritual Formation Session